23 Jul Fun on the playground!
We've had a lovely time with our friends this morning! Lots of sporty and creative fun for children in Y1-Y5. ...
We've had a lovely time with our friends this morning! Lots of sporty and creative fun for children in Y1-Y5. ...
Thank you so much for your incredible generosity and kindness. Last week, we delivered well over 100 bags of donations to the Chipping Barnet Food Bank. This is such a critical time for many families; with schools closing for the summer, food banks are visited on...
Last week, Y4 performed an investigation as part of their Science learning. They were reflecting on some of the positive and negative ways that humans change the environment locally and globally, with a particular focus on how this affects other living things. They began their...
Another wonderful May Day celebration this afternoon! We are so proud of every single child who worked so hard this half term. Here are a few photos from today: ...
It was wonderful to welcome Rev. Alec into Y1 last week to help the children to learn more about how the Church celebrates Pentecost as part of their RE learning. Their unit of work is called 'How does celebrating Pentecost remind Christians that God is...
We will be supporting Christian Aid on Friday 17th May with a non-uniform day on which we will be inviting the children to also wear trainers to school. We have set up a Just Giving page to raise funds directly for Christian Aid. The link can...
Y5 spent 3 days and 2 nights at Cuffley Camp this week - they had a fantastic time! Here are a few photos from their time away from home which included experience of a climbing wall, high ropes, blindfolded walk, problem solving team games, a...
At lunchtime today, the Hope Committee ventured into Oak Hill Park. On Mrs Constantinou's walk to school this morning, she noticed a lot of litter in the park. Part of our mission in the Hope Committee is to care for God's creation and to do...
Year 2 had a lovely time visiting the Postal Museum on Friday. They are about to start their history learning unit, "Communication: Then and Now" where they will find out all the ways humans have communicated, from hieroglyphics in ancient time up to modern day...
This morning, we had our first Eucharist Collective Worship since 2019. It was a beautiful service co-led by Rev Alec and pupils in Y6 who read from Mark's gospel and led prayers. Lord Jesus Christ, You humbled yourself in taking the form of a servant, and...