At St.Mary’s the children take part in an act of daily collective worship.

Our invitational collective worship is a special time for our school to gather together to:
- Be still and reflect
- Engage with and explore big questions
- Affirm Christian values and our school vision
- Celebrate special times in the Christian calendar
- Foster respect and deepen spiritual awareness
- Flourish
- Express praise and thanksgiving
- Share each other’s joy and challenges
- Respond together and as individuals
- Reflect on learning
- Sing!
When we arrive for collective worship, we light our Easter Candle (which is kindly donated by St. Mary’s church every year) and the worship leaders declares that ‘The Lord is here’ and the children are invited to respond with ‘The Spirit is with us.’ As the children leave, the worship leader states ‘May the light of Christ’ and the children are invited to respond with ‘Shine in our hearts’ and then ‘Even with faith as small as a mustard seed…’ to which the children reply with ‘we can do anything!’
The relationship between our parish church, the local community and St. Mary’s School is strong and highly valued. Once a fortnight, the children take part in collective worship at St. Mary’s Church. The journey to church is an act a worship of its own; admiring God’s Creation as the children walk though the beauty of Oak Hill Park. We also visit Brookside Methodist Church at least once a term.

Here we are with Rev Abe from Brookside Methodist Church
Click to view our Collective Worship Policy. This contains details of the shape, purpose and impact of Collective Worship at St. Mary’s.

Pupil Leadership of Collective Worship:
- Every Thursday, the children in Year 6 help to lead collective worship, by sharing a Bible reading and prayers. Our intercessory prayers always show an awareness of current school or World events, or significant dates in the calendar.
- We have a small group of worship leaders called ‘The Mustard Seeds’ who help with planning, coordinating and delivering one collective worship per half term. In keeping with the our theological underpinning of the parable:
The ground is prepared and our seeds planted. We create the right conditions for our leaders to grow, flourish and eventually bear fruit. We are excited to see when, where and in what form that will be….
- Here are a few of our Mustard Seeds who will go on to help train and create the right conditions for more Mustard Seeds to follow!

Special Services:
- Children and staff are invited to a Holy Communion Service as a celebration of the Eucharist, either held in school or at St. Mary’s Church. All children and staff are also offered a Blessing to ensure that they are purposefully included in this special act of worship. Click to view photos of one of our Eucharist services.
- Annually, we have a Christmas Carol service at St. Mary’s Church
- On the last day of the Autumn term, we have a very special Christingle service in school.
- At least twice a year, the school is used to hold a Sunday Evensong service bringing school families and the church congregation together.
The Rector, Rev. Dr. Alec Corio works closely with the Headteacher to help shape the collective worship plan across the school year.
Focus Values:
Each half term, our collective worship focus is on a chosen Christian value. Focus values are selected as and when relevant e.g. The desperation of some Year 6 pupils over the on-going wars led to a focus on ‘Hope’ which produced some amazingly deep and spiritual responses as well as giving support – and indeed hope – to all.
In worship, we hear Bible stories, look at artwork , listen to carefully chosen music and learn memory verses that exemplify these values for every day.
Heart for the Earth – Collective Worship
In the summer term of 2023, a film crew into school to capture some of the work we were doing in Collective Worship. We often spend a lot of time reflecting on how we can show a Heart for the Earth and in that time, we used some resources developed by the Diocese of St. Albans to do this.
Along with 2 other schools, St. Mary’s pupils feature in a short film about how we used the resources and how it helped us with our thinking.
We are immensely proud of the ongoing work we are doing to regularly remind the children of the importance of caring for God’s creation so that we build a hope filled future for ourselves and for generations to come.
video in this link demonstrates the impact of the work we have done and continue to do in school.