Our Governors perform vital, legal functions and also do a lot more to help and support our school.
The governing body is made up of parents, staff and representatives of the church, diocese and Local Authority. They make decisions about how the school is run in consultation with the headteacher; they have legal duties, powers and responsibilities which include appointing staff and deciding how the school budget is spent.
Together with the professionals in school we share responsibility for:
- The school’s standards
- Its value for money
- Its proper management
- Its fairness in dealing with its staff and pupils
- Its communication with parents and the public
Individual governors have no power; the authority we have comes from working together as a governing body. With the professional staff at our school we try to provide the best possible education for all the children.
The governing body must ensure that in delivering its responsibilities, it promotes and safeguards the welfare of children.
Governors meet as a full group once a half term and the minutes of these meetings are made available in as folder outside the school office. Parent governors can contribute the views and ideas of other parents to the governing body but they are not there to act as a channel for complaints or to address any issue affecting an individual child or parent.
Governors are elected or appointed for four years to carry out their various duties.
Correspondence for the Chair of Governors can be passed on through the school office.
‘As a governing body, we are committed to ensuring that our status as a church school is recognised as making a real difference to the way the school is run. We pride ourselves that the school community is built on Christian values and principles which reflect the school’s distinctly Christian vision. There is a strong and enduring relationship with the Rector and God’s people at St. Mary’s Church and other local Christian churches.’
Chair of Governors
Please find below the details of our school governors:
Governor |
Term of Office |
Appointing Body |
Position |
Link Role |
Maria Constantinou |
– |
Ex Officio – Headteacher |
Headteacher |
Strategy Group
Pay/Staffing |
Eileen Beechey |
– |
– |
Associate Member |
Revd Dr Alec Corio |
Jul 2019 |
Ex Officio – Rector |
Foundation Governor, Ex Officio |
Strategy Group
Religious Education |
Kritee Gower |
27 Sept 2023 – 26 Sept 2027 |
Foundation Governor |
SEND and Inclusion
Pay and Staffing |
Joshua Hancock |
28 March 2022 – 27 March 2026 |
Foundation Governor |
Curriculum |
Steven Hicks |
2 Jan 2021 – 1 Jan 2025 |
Foundation Governor |
Vice Chair
Strategy Group |
Adam Hoyle |
27 Sept 2023 – 26 Sept 2027 |
Diocese |
Foundation Governor |
Data Protection and GDPR |
Stephen Edwards |
Elected as Chair: May 2020
29 Nov 2021 – 30 Nov 2025 |
Chair of Governors, (originally Foundation Governor) |
Strategy Group
Safeguarding |
Lucy Richardson |
– |
– |
Associate Member |
Jonathan McWarren |
22 Nov 2023 – 21 Nov 2027 |
Parents |
Parent Governor |
Michael Morgan |
27 April 2022 – 26 April 2026 |
Diocese |
Foundation Governor |
Strategy Group |
Ruvinder Parmar |
22 Nov 2023 – 21 Nov 2027 |
Parents |
Parent Governor |
Carina Tilson |
Local Authority |
Local Authority Governor |
Health and Safety
Pay and Staffing |
Revd Martin Wellings |
3 Oct 2021 – 2 Oct 2026 |
Foundation Governor |
Premises |
Michelle Williams |
23 Nov 2022 – 22 Nov 2026 |
Staff |
Staff Governor and SENCO |
Associate Members
The Deputy Headteachers are invited to attend full governing body meetings as Associate Members. They do not have voting rights.
Governor confirmations 23 24
In accordance with legislation, the linked overview of declarations of governors above (covering relevant business interests, details of any other educational establishments they govern and any relationships between governors and members of the school staff including spouses, partners and relatives), which may conflict with the individual’s duties and authority.
Governor Attendance
Meeting attendance 23-4
Meeting attendance 22/23
2023/24 Vacancies
Currently the governing body has the following vacancies:
1 Co-opted Governor