28 Mar Y3 Trip to the Barnet Environmental Centre
On Tuesday, Year 3 had a fantastic time visiting the Barnet Environmental Centre. It linked perfectly to their current science unit about plants. Robyn (the Centre’s teacher) was very impressed with the children’s knowledge about plants. They explored the beautiful grounds, learning about the different types of trees – the Oak tree there is over 200 years old! They also collected things to stick on their very own leaf, including a seed, seedling, leaf and flower. Year 3 enjoyed experiencing the ‘whispering wood’ by closing their eyes and listening carefully. Many sounds were heard, including the local woodpecker, pecking into its favourite tree! After lunch, the children had a great time searching for minibeasts under logs. They were excited to find a variety of creatures, including centipedes, millipedes, spiders, slugs and many more.
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