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Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun |
Y2/Y3 Chess Club
3:30 pm
Ashing in the playground
3:25 pm
Ashing in the playground
@ School Playground
Mar 5 @ 3:25 pm – 3:55 pm
Ashing in the playground: Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday 5th March. ‘Ashing’ on Ash Wednesday is the marking of a person’s forehead with ashes in the shape of a cross. It’s a traditional part of Ash Wednesday services in many Christian communities. Rev Alec will...
World Book Day
World Book Day
Mar 6 all-day
We are excited to let you know that we are going to celebrate World Book Day on Thursday 6th March 2025, and would like to invite you to join us in helping your child to make the most of this special occasion. World Book Day...
Y2/Y3 Chess Club
3:30 pm
Mini First Aid Workshop
Mini First Aid Workshop
Mar 12 all-day
We have organised for the children in all infant classes to have a Basic First Aid workshop in school on Wednesday 12th March led by a company called ‘Mini First Aid’. Mini First Aid have created Multi Award winning classes for children from as young...
Y2/Y3 Chess Club
3:30 pm
Y2/Y3 Chess Club
3:30 pm