02 Oct Harvest Festival 2023
THANK YOU for your incredible generosity once again this year. This morning, we welcomed Rev Martin Wellings and Rev Shaun Sanders who, along with Y6 pupils, helped to lead our Harvest Collective Worship.
We gave thanks for God’s ‘good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey.’ (Exodus 3:8) and even gave thanks for the John the Bapist’s consumption of locusts!
Here are a few of the prayers we shared at this special service:
Father God, at this Harvest time, we thank you for all the good things you give us every day. As we thank you for our food, we remember those who do not have enough to eat. Bless all those Lord who suffer because of the greed of others. Help us to share the harvests of the world more fairly, so everyone can be fed and there will be no more starvation.
Lord of all creation: hear our prayerAs we give thanks for all that is good in your creation, we are aware of so much that we get wrong. We give thanks for your grace and patience with us when we fail to look after your world in the way that we should.
Lord of all creation: hear our prayerAt this harvest time, we ask for your blessing on our families, friends and neighbours. We pray for the work of Homeless Action in Barnet and the Chipping Barnet food bank. Help us to recognise all that we have in our lives.
Lord of all creation: hear our prayer
Donations will be shared between the Chipping Barnet Food Bank and Homeless Action in Barnet this week.
Thank you.
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